Our Services

CSRD Reporting

We are your trusted partner for navigating the complex world of the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) and the implementation of the European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS). As a boutique consultancy, we specialise in offering semi-automated as well as customised solutions for companies and financial institutions wishing to introduce or expand their sustainability reporting in accordance with the CSRD. You have the option of using the toolbox yourselves or receiving additional advice and/or support from us during implementation. Our aim is to enable SMEs in particular to implement the requirements efficiently and accurately.

Our Expertise

With a team of experienced professionals, we bring extensive expertise in sustainability reporting from consulting and auditing. We keep abreast of evolving regulations and work closely with our clients to ensure they are always one step ahead. We also bring deep expertise from the many reporting standards that have been incorporated into the ESRS, such as TCFD, TNFD, GRI, as well as from applying the implementation guidance of the EU’s advisory body, EFRAG.

The toolbox was developed in co-operation with inspired.green GmbH. Magnolia and inspired.green are partners and co-operate as required, primarily on projects in the financial sector.

utomated where possible, customised where necessary

While every client is unique, there are parts of the CSRD preparation that can be standardised. We have developed a CSRD-Toolbox that allows you to leverage our extended experience with numerous clients. At the same time, every business is unique and where necessary we offer a tailored approach to every client to address their specific needs.

From start to finish

From the materiality analysis and CSRD gap analysis to implementation and reporting, we accompany you on your entire sustainability journey. This can also include the (further) development of your sustainability strategy and, if necessary, the determination of your competitive position and an ambition dialogue. For us, CSRD is more than just a “box-ticking exercise”. We provide you with pragmatic support, whether you are looking to fulfil minimum requirements or striving for market leadership in the field.

The toolbox is available in two versions – it differentiates between the specifics of financial service providers and real-economy companies.

Have we sparked your interest?

Contact us today for a free demonstration of the CSRD toolbox.