Schlagwort: Net Zero

Real Estate Decarbonisation Curves by CRREM and SBTi

Introduction The Carbon Risk Real Estate Monitor (CRREM) is a widely used and free-of-charge tool providing real estate climate transition pathways. It has updated its decarbonization curve in cooperation with the SBTi. Until now, there were differences between these two widely used transition pathways. The new pathways now require the

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Herausforderung Embodied Carbon

Von der Klimastrategie zur Umsetzung trotz Datenmangel Das gemeinsame Webseminar mit Instone und CAALA liefert Input und Lösungen aus der Praxis der Lebenszyklusanalyse in der Immobilienentwicklung: Was sind die Potenziale und Herausforderungen? Die Instone Real Estate Group hat in Zusammenarbeit mit Magnolia Consulting und CAALA eine transparente und faktenbasierte Klimastrategie und

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The Climate is Changing and there are Risks Involved

The world is changing. With regard to anthropogenic climate change, there are two possible future worlds: We manage to shift our economy so that it operates within the planetary boundaries. We fail to do so and face significant climate change, including all the extreme weather events that can be expected.

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Real Estate and Sustainable Finance

Due to its connection with the financial sector as an investment or financing object, the real estate sector is affected by sustainable finance regulations like no other real economic sector. In particular, companies along the value chain of a property, from the project developer to the construction company to asset

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